Pro Integrations

Deep Links 

IPCams offers a deep link integration for IPCams Pro users. This allows you to open the app directly to a specific camera or dashboard from another application. For example, some users use a different app to send push notifications for camera alerts that can then open IPCams when tapped. These links use a custom URL scheme that will only work on devices with IPCams installed.

To use an IPCams deep link, you will need to find the integration id of the camera or dashboard you would like to link to. This can be found on the camera (advanced) or dashboard settings pages under the integration id section. Long press/right click on the id to copy it to your clipboard.

Camera Link

The camera URL to use is ipcams://camera/$INTEGRATION_ID?fullscreen=false where $INTEGRATION_ID is the id you copied from your advanced camera settings page. For the example above the link would look like ipcams://camera/7F14FBE2-0FCA-4DB6-BFD6-4C5B21BC6459?fullscreen=false. The full screen parameter can be changed to ?fullscreen=true if you'd like to open your camera in full screen mode.

Dashboard Link

The dashboard URL to use is ipcams://dashboard/$INTEGRATION_ID?fullscreen=false where $INTEGRATION_ID is the id you copied from your dashboard settings page. For the example above the link would look like ipcams://dashboard/7F14FBE2-0FCA-4DB6-BFD6-4C5B21BC6459?fullscreen=false. The full screen parameter can be changed to ?fullscreen=true if you'd like to open your dashboard in full screen mode.