Camera Sharing

With IPCams Camera Sharing feature, you can now share your cameras, dashboards, snapshots/events, and IPCams Hub with other IPCams users. Since IPCams doesn't use a traditional account system (it uses iCloud for syncing), your IPCams camera configurations have historically been limited to one iCloud account and the devices associated with it. If you wanted to share with other family members or friends, you'd have to share an iCloud account which is not recommended. With IPCams Camera Sharing you can now set up a share from your iCloud account and invite and allow other IPCams users with different iCloud accounts to access your cameras.

Note: Setting up camera sharing doesn't grant access to cameras remotely unless you set up an IPCams Hub.

How do I set it up?

To get started, you will need an IPCams Pro Plus subscription and your devices need to have IPCams version 2024.3 or above installed.

  1. Go to IPCams Settings screen/tab on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac
  2. Open the Account & Devices screen
  3. Scroll down to the Sharing section
  4. Select the Camera Share row and follow the prompts to create a new camera share
  5. Select the cameras and dashboards you'd like to share.
  6. Invite other IPCams users to your camera share

How do other people access my share?

Once you set up your share, you can invite people and send a link (usually via Messages or Mail with your iCloud account). On their device, they need to have IPCams installed with an active IPCams Pro subscription. They can open the link you sent and it will prompt them to open and accept the share in IPCams. Once accepted, your data will start to sync to their device.

Note: If you have a large amount of data that you shared, it might take a few minutes.

Can I share my IPCams Pro subscription?

IPCams Camera Sharing feature does not share your Pro subscription. If you are sharing with members of your Apple Family Group, they can restore your IPCams Pro purchase from the Pro subscription page. If you are sharing with someone outside of your family group, they will need to have their own IPCams Pro subscription to be able to accept the share

How is is secured?

Camera sharing works similarly to sharing in other iCloud enabled apps like Apple Photos when you share a photo album. Your shared data is duplicated into a shared zone that can be given access to other iCloud accounts you send an invite to. Only items you select will be shared. Shared users can't edit or delete your cameras, they can only access your shared items until you revoke access. If you remove shared users from your share in the future, they will immediately lose access to your data and it will be deleted off their devices.

How do I stop sharing?

To stop sharing with other users, go to the Sharing section under the Account & Devices page. You can then remove individual users by selecting the X by their name. If you want to fully stop sharing and delete your share, select the options (three dot/circle) menu and select Stop Sharing.

If you want to remove yourself from some one else's share, go to the Account & Devices page. Select the X by the person's name under the People Sharing With You section.